How To Keep The Pantry Clean and Organised?

Do you clean your kitchen pantry daily? We usually do not count the kitchen pantry in the daily cleaning schedule. That is the reason it collects more pests like rodents, moths, and ants. These pests are harmful to our health and can cause food-borne illnesses, diarrhea, poisoning, etc.

Hence, you must keep your pantry as a part of your cleaning the kitchen daily. You must use apt tools to remove the dust, crumbs, spills, and splatters. Declutter the pantry, remove expired products, and add fresh products to the pantry. In this blog, we will discuss pantry cleaning and organizing it properly by taking suggestions from the Best Bond Cleaning in Gold Coast team.

To start with the process, you will need a Step-stool, Trash bags, Rubber spatula, Microfiber cloths, Vacuum machine with attachments, Warm water, Liquid dish soap, Vinegar, Baking soda, Spray bottle, Brush, and Essential oils.

Let us dive deep into the topic of How to keep the pantry clean and organized.

What Are the Ways to Keep the Pantry Clean and Organized?

Below listed are some methods to clean your pantry and make it shine along with the kitchen:

Vacate your pantry: Star by decluttering your pantry. Remove all the jars, cabinets, shelves, food items, etc. Place everything on the countertop or a table. Clear every bit of the pantry and leave it empty properly.

Segregate food items: Separate the food items according to category like s duplicates, expired, unwanted, restocked, stale snacks, etc. This will ease your task to choose what to keep and what to throw. Make a list of the items you need to restock and throw the items that are expired.

Donate: If there are some food items that are not expired but still don’t need them anymore, donate them. Rather than wasting the item, give it a needy around. Make a separate box labeled as donation or related words to separate them from the normal food items you will keep in your pantry.

Make sections: make sections according to the usage of the products- mostly used, used once a week/ month, used occasionally. This will help you organize your pantry perfectly and you will remove the hassle of finding the daily products in such a mess. Keep the products according to the usage. The most used ones are in the starting and occasionally used in the end.

Deep cleaning: Now switch to the cleaning part. Start by removing the cobwebs, and loose dust. Pass a brush from the top and bottom of the shelf. Now make a solution with the help of white vinegar, dish soap, and warm water. Apply it with a brush or spray it throughout, and leave it for 10 minutes. Remove the sticky part from the rubber spatula. Ensure proper cleaning of each and every part of the pantry. If you maintain regular cleaning, then you can get rid of pests in the pantry and can save your health too.

Kill germs: use baking soda to clean and deodorize the pantry area. Sprinkle a spoonful of baking soda, and keep it for 10 minutes to let it remove oil and bad odor from the pantry. Wipe it off with the help of a microfibre cloth and dry it with a new cloth. This will also kill germs and bacteria from the pantry.

Apply liners: To keep your pantry organized, you can use liners to make it more spacious. The items will be more arranged, and the spills and splattering will be reduced too.

Re-shelf them: Re-shelf the items in a way to keep one type of item on one shelf. Put bakery products in one rack, the spices in another, and so on. You can arrange them in the form of usage as well- seasonal products on the top, regularly used products on the shelf that is just in front of the eyes, healthy snacks at the knee-level shelf, and heavy items at the lowest shelf so that picking them up becomes easier.

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The pantry is the most unseen area of the kitchen. We spent a lot of time in the kitchen cleaning but forgot to clean the pantry. Hence, you need to take a day for the pantry separately. In this blog, we have mentioned the ways to clean and organize your pantry. I hope this has helped you a lot in maintaining your pantry area well.