Tackling Stubborn Stains and Odors in Rental Cleaning Properties?

Professional rental cleaning Properties is very challenging especially if there are a lot of stubborn stains, mold, mildew, grime, etc. It is a daunting task for every tenant before vacating the place because it is the question of returning the bond money without any deduction.  

If you have not cleaned the house for so long then it will be next to impossible for you to clean the rental property perfectly at the end of the lease agreement and that too with the landlord’s demand.

You must check with the landlord’s high standard cleaning demands mentioned in the lease agreement to avoid any dispute.

Not cleaning the property regularly can cause various stubborn stains. According to the Best Bond Cleaning Gold Coast, you can come across stained carpets, moldy surfaces, and nasty smells in rooms during the bond cleaning session. It will be a challenging task to wipe them off easily.

You can hire a bond cleaning professional to ease your bond cleaning task and impress the landlord. They prepare a checklist and use the right tools and technologies to remove the dust, dirt, and grime.

But if you think you can’t afford the bond cleaning professionals, then you need to break your leg for the cleaning task. In this blog post, we will discuss how to tackle stubborn stains and odors in rental properties.

What Are the Prerequisites to Tackle Stubborn Stains and Odors in Rental Properties?

Here are the ways to tackle the stubborn stains and odors in rental properties:

  • Gather cleaning essentials: You need to gather essential cleaning supplies like a Scrubbing pad, Magic eraser, Microfiber cloth, Brushes, White vinegar, Essential Oils, Baking soda, Dishwashing liquid, and Warm Water. If you collect all the essentials before starting the cleaning session, then it will save you time in finding these equipment and tools at the time of cleaning.
  • Move step-by-step: Cleaning needs a lot of patience. So, rather than starting directly with scrubbing the surface, you need to move step-by-step. Every stain requires a different type of treatment so you need to know what type of stains they are [pet urine, grime, dirt, and dust]. Immediately remove spills and splatters but you need to test the solution on an unseen area to check if it suits the surface or not, now apply the solution and remove the stains with the right techniques.

How to Remove the Stubborn Stains and Odors in Rental Properties?

Cleaning is the most important part of moving out. Remember, you need to keep your Pantry Clean and Organised too before the bond cleaning inspection. Follow the steps below to remove stubborn stains and odors in the rental cleaning properties:

  • Oil and grease stains: Take a paste of baking soda and cornstarch. Apply it to the surface containing oil and grease stains. Leave it for a few minutes and wipe it with a damped microfibre cloth. It will give you a sparkling results.
  • Blood stains: If there are any blood stains in the house, then you need to soak the blood stain for half an hour in cold water to loosen its particles. Then use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste and apply it to the stained area. Keep it for a few minutes and wipe it with a damp cloth to get better results.
  • Pet stains: Pets tend to make the house dirty and can increase the chances for you to lose your hard-earned bond money. You need to mix one part of vinegar and a warm soapy solution. Apply it on the stains and keep it for 15 minutes. You can use pet stain removers from the market that are safe to use too. To wipe the solution, you can use magic erasers as well.
  • Coffee stains: If we have pets and kids at home, there are high chance of containing stubborn stains and spillovers. Take 2/3rd solution of dishwashing liquid and warm water respectively. Take a microfibre cloth and damp it into the solution to clean it. For carpets, use vinegar solutions, and for granite and marble, use 3% hydrogen peroxide with cold water.
  • Mold stains: Mold is grown in the high humidity area and we can remove it with the help of vinegar and warm water. Spray the solution and leave it for 15 minutes. Then, scrub it with a toothbrush. Rinse and dry it completely. Do not forget to Clean Your Bathroom Tiles as well as they also contain mold.
  • Get rid of bad odors: You need to remove the bad odors with the help of sprinkling the baking soda. Keeping it overnight will remove all the bad odors. Also, you can use vinegar and 15 drops of essential oils to remove bad odors.

Hire a professional: You can hire a professional if you are worried about how to clean the rental property perfectly. A professional knows how to ensure the right cleaning tips and tricks to impress the landlord and get back the security amount without any deductions.


Tackling stubborn stains and odors is not an easy task especially when it is time for bond cleaning. In this blog, we have mentioned various ways that you will need to remove stubborn stains and odors from the rental cleaning Properties to get back your security amount.

Also, you can hire a professional for the same if you think you can not take the burden of bond clearance alone.