How Do I Clean Windows Without Streaks?

Isn’t it frustrating that you have cleaned your windows but after cleaning it has left with some dirty marks of water spots or something like that? Sounds, so irritating, right? According to the team of Best Bond Cleaning in Gold Coast, if we are using a good amount of water, it will leave its marks even after proper cleaning from our end which looks so ugly. Hence, in this blog post, we will guide you on how to clean windows without streaks to satisfy the needs of the landowners. So, let us dive deep into it to know more!

What Are the Ways to Clean Windows Without Streaks?

If you are demanding cleaned windows without streaks, you must go through the below-listed ways to enhance your window cleaning and satisfy your owner to get back your bond security.

Cleaning on a Cloudy day: A cloudy day is the best to clean your windows. But, why? Because in a sunny day, when you apply the cleaning solution to the window surface, it will evaporate immediately leaving marks on the window surface which will look untidy. Wait for a cloudy day to make your windows shine like a new one without leaving streaks.

Spider Webs: It will be so unhygienic if you find spider guts on the windows while cleaning. Hence, to avoid such messy cleaning, vacuum all the spider webs on time. Also, you can use dry rags to prevent the windows from accumulating any kind of spider or cobwebs.

Dilution with Distilled water: If you are using a strong window cleaner that can not be used directly and demands dilution then use distilled water. Distilled water is good for dilution as the hard water contains minerals that will leave streaks on your windows which is the most unwanted thing in your window cleaning as of now.

Vinegar: If you are conscious about your health and the products you will use for window cleaning without streaks, then you must either go for organic solutions available in the market or homemade solutions. You can use vinegar to clean the windows without streaks. Take a 50:50 solution of water and vinegar and use it as your general cleaner. Spray, leave it for a while, clean with wet then dry microfibre cloth.

Ammonia: You can use ammonia for cleaning purposes too. Take ammonia mix it with water and spray as we have done with the vinegar solution. But do not forget to leave the windows open after using as ammonia contains a strong smell. For better cleaning and a strong cleaning solution, you can use ammonia and vinegar combined.

Suds: We know our busy schedule doesn’t allow us to clean the windows regularly. When you try to clean it with a soapy solution, the solution will leave residue on the glass. So, you can take the cleaning solution and dilute it with water. Use this solution to eliminate the dried buildup.

Goodbye paper towels: Yeah! paper towels are affordable, easy to get and maintain but they are not the apt tool to use for streak-free window cleaning because they leave the link behind. Hence, you need to bid goodbye to your paper towels. From now onwards, use a microfibre cloth, chamois, and a dry newspaper. But be careful while using newspaper as it may leave printing stains on the mirror.

Go one-by-one: Clean one window or pane of a window at a time. Do not spray the solution on the entire window. If you follow this process, you will save your window from drying up. By using this one-by-one formula, you can immediately clean the surface after applying the solution.

Buff your dry glass: Buff your dry glass immediately to leave no chance for stains. Rub it in a circular motion to clean the steaky area and give it a polished look.

Use a squeeze: Using a dry cloth will give rise to the static energy that will lead to the attraction of the dust, dirt, etc. Now, you can use a squeeze frequently to wipe off the liquid solution. Do not forget to clean the blade after use.

Professional Help: If you are too busy to clean your windows without streaks, go for hiring a professional. Your bond cleaners will know how to clean windows without streaks, and you don’t have to take care of the window cleaning, techniques, or the tools required. They will handle it on their own.

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Even after cleaning the windows, it leaves streaks later, it is daunting, right? Hence, we have tried to resolve your query, How do I clean windows without streaks?” with the help of this blog. There are various ways mentioned to avoid streaks after your window cleaning. If you can not manage the cleaning alone, go for hiring a professional in your city.